Upstate NY Babies

s/o houses... your house

What are some things that you like & dislike about your house - but that you figured out after you bought it (so, more unexpected)?

And what would be a big project you'd love to do to change your house?

My favorite thing has been the family room connected to the kitchen.  I didn't realize just how much we would live in these rooms.  I can watch the kids play, we can all watch TV, like while I wash dishes, cook, etc.

Least favorite.. I do love my cathedral ceiling entrance, but I wish it had a skylight (which is frivolous, but I can dream), and essentially it is wasted space.. there could literally be a bedroom there, or our bedrooms could be bigger.  Also the 1/2 bath next to the front door doesn't really afford any privacy :P

My big project would be to finish the basement, and put a deck over the patio.


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