2nd Trimester

Gifts we don't want. What do we do?

I LOVE that my husband's family wants to be involved. The call to ask how I am feeling, and even gave our little girl a hideous nick-name (which I am okay with, because it means they cared enough to give her one at all :) )

 Yet, they keep trying to buy us things that we don't want. Like strollers, high-chairs and other random BIG things, Every time, I direct them towards our registry.

 They want to buy us "the same one we got so and so"  and "the cousins love this one so you need to use it too." It usually comes with some long piece of advice I didn't ask for.

 Everything they are trying to buy is SUPER girly (we are into neutrals), won't match anything we have or is something we just won't use.

It has gotten to the point where I feel l am being rude. I have even lied a couple times telling them that we already have what they are trying to get us.

Once they buy us something, I know they will look for it every time they come over and I will feel awful if it's not here.

Politely pointing them towards our registry isn't working and I am paranoid that they are going to buy her something awful, we won't use it and their feelings will be hurt.

I had the idea of just letting them buy us something and only taking it out when they're here, but the items they are trying to buy are the big more expensive items that we just can't hide in a corner.


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