3rd Trimester

Measuring Big - Worried!

I've been freaked out and worried over the last few weeks because I'm measuring like 3-4 ahead. I'm worried I'm going to have this huge, monster baby. I have type 2 diabetes and was overweight when I got pregnant but I really have been doing everything in my power and have had excellent blood sugar control and still weigh less than when I got pregnant. My doctor told me that if they think he is 9.5 lbs. or more based on the ultrasound they will schedule my c-section. I know it's not the worst thing in the world but part of me feels like a failure.

My doctor really tried to reassure me that other than being big everything is great. He is healthy and all his organs look good, he's just going to be large. I don't know how to get past this feeling.

Plus after telling my DH everything, he said he would feel let down by a scheduled c-section. That after nine months he looked forward to at least me being able to labor and possibly have a vaginal delivery, even if it has to be induced because of the diabetes. Somehow, that makes it hurt more. My doctor thinks I'm freaking out for no reason and should be happy my baby is healthy, even if he's going to be big. Am I being irrational?!

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