3rd Trimester

My parents are raging narcissists... (a bit of a vent - sorry)

... and are coming to visit from their home in Florida after the baby's born. I am trying to convince them as nicely as possible not to come until after I give birth - they will only drive to my home in NJ, which means I'll have at least 2 days to sort myself out before they arrive. They were making noise about coming in advance of my due date so they could be here for the actual birth, but I haven't told them yet they won't be welcome at the hospital at all, and am hoping to avoid that. (In fact, should they show up anyway, the doula has explicit instructions not to let them into the room.)

The reality is I'm scared to death of giving birth as it is, and having them around would only make things 100 times worse. (As to how I'll be handling it when they show up after the baby's born.... well, we'll get there when we get there.)

I guess what I want to know is - have any of you had experience dealing with this and, if so, how have you handled it?

(FYI, if you google the definition of "narcissistic personality disorder" you would basically find a picture of my father, and I've never been very close to my mother - but last year she and I had a falling out that was so severe we would have stopped speaking permanently had she not had to have open-heart surgery. So I can understand how this might all sound really histrionic - but I swear, it's not.)

Thanks, ladies.

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