2nd Trimester

I hate.. Rant

I hate my d*** dentist... the last time I went was 2 1/2 years ago.... They hit a nerve when giving me Novocain for a simple filling... because their office has wacky hours and it was during the summer it took a week and a half to been seen... the whole time my face was swollen and sore... they also called every single time I made an appointment (either first thing in the morn, or the last appt of the day to not miss too much work) to change it to a time more convenient for them.. meaning they didn't want to come in that early or stay that late.  It was the only dentist in-network in the entire county.  So I never went back.


Now that I am expecting I wanted to get a cleaning and just a general check-up... and while I hate that office, I figured my x-rays would still be valid so I could avoid that process while pg, so I was going to suck it up and just go back...but the told me that my x-rays were too old and I needed new ones. So went into the office to make the appointment for Friday at noon and the receptionist said that was fine.  At 3:00 this afternoon they called back to inform me that I need to move my appointment because they usually leave early on Fridays and that I am the last appt for a few hours so they need to make mine earlier.. Yes, that is actually the reason she gave me! Really, a noon appointment is too late in the day for you? Then why offer appointments at that time.  I refused to move it because I have other appointments earlier that day and Friday is my only day off!  I am so aggravated!

Obviously I am making an appointment at a different office, since  I need x-rays anyway.  I can't wait until my appointment is confirmed for I can call them to cancel and give them a piece of my mind!

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