2nd Trimester

MIL Rant long

I'm putting this out here so that it won't be so pent up when my BF gets home, as I do get concerned when I rant about his mom for long periods of time.

Some back story:

So my BF's mom is a hoarder among other things. She has 4+ storage places filled to the brim with her stuff. She is living on the back child support of her ex-husband and is staying with my BF's sister. For reasons unknown to me, she doesn't have or  can't keep a job. All fine and dandy, however. After my BF inherited a  good deal of money from his grand father, she ended up borrowing over $5k of it on top of her inheritance. She's never repaid him, although every time she asks to borrow more money, she swears she'll pay him back in 2 weeks. My BF used the money he didn't give to his mom for college, even though he still had to get loans and grants to help him further. This is all well before I met my BF.

The reason I'm b**ching:

She always asks him for money! She asks him to cover a rent for one month, or asks him to cover storage costs because she's behind. All with the promise that she'll pay him back. She never does. She uses all sorts of tactics that drive me nuts. She'll sit there and ask in about a dozen different ways after he says 'no' the first time. She's even presented him with the idea that he get a credit card and just charge her bill for her. OMG! She also is relentless. She doesn't take no for an answer, she's like a 4 year old asking for candy only worse! If you tell her you don't think that you can spare the money at the time, she swears she'll pay you back and asks, "well maybe if I can just get a little bit..... " The thing that gets me the most is, my BF can keep telling her no, over and over and she doesn't hear it. I'm convinced that she's certain she'll break him down eventually. Why else would she bother him so wholeheartedly  about it? She also uses manipulation to get her way. For the storage, " Well, they are going to sell it off if I don't pay it AND it is your grandmother's stuff too, you could help out." Guilt trip much? I don't buy into it. My BF and his brother and sister have tried to convince her to sell the stuff and get some money from it, but on top of the fact that she wouldn't part with ANY of it, she spends so much time just sorting through it nothing ever gets done. (Case and point, she has boxes full of newspapers. Just newspapers... swearing that she keeps important papers among them so people won't find them.) His mom gave him a microwave when we moved. We spent 2+ days just cleaning out the storage space to find the damn thing and then she wanted to give us other crap.. granted we got a box of cleaners out of it but it took 2+ days!

I'm not against helping family, please don't misinterpret me.  If she hadn't made a habit of asking for money monthly and we actually could spare it. I wouldn't have a problem helping her out, but as a case and point, those storage places don't throw out your stuff if you're a month late.. they do so only if you're always late or unpaid. My point is she's not functioning financially on her own. We CAN'T support her and she's taken a liking to asking, one of her only children that made the attempt to break the horrible cycle and get out of the hole, to jump back inside it with her. Honestly, I don't know how my BF has the patients to deal with her.

She just called him AT WORK asking for rent money again. That's what caused this long rant. 

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