2nd Trimester

Anxiety over Giving Blood - NEED ADVICE

Okay, I have a little anxiety and when it comes time to giving blood, i freak out.  Obviously this is a problem during pregnancy since we have to give it so many times.  Here's my low-down:  It has nothing to do with the pain of the needle and EVERYTHING to do with the process which is going on (extraction of blood).  If the nurse even mentions anything about what she's doing, a horrible feeling washes over me and I almost pass out.

Some things that have been said that sent me over the edge in the past:

"Are you veins usually hard to get?", "We only need two more small tubes", etc.  I just can't hear anything of the like.  Problem is, no matter how hard I've tried to explain this in the past, nurses don't get it and they always say something that sends me over.

So question for you ladies:  Will I look like a total nut if I go to get my next round of blood work wearing head phones?  I know this will work becusae I won't be able to hear anything they say.  I hate to look like a freak, but I'm desparate to get in & out without hitting the floor.

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