3rd Trimester

Anyone's ob going on vacation around your due date?

I just found out my ob is going on vacation when I'm 39 weeks.  She works for a pretty big practice, but I've never met any other doctors.  What happens if I go into labor then?  My baby is breech, so it'll be a c-section at this point.  I'm not very particular about who is going to deliver my baby (as long as my baby comes out healthy, and they saw me back up well so that I can have another baby), but I'm just curious who will be operating.

I went into labor 3 days before the scheduled date last time, but my ob then was available, so she and the other doctor from her office operated on me.

m/c - Dec 2005, DS - March 27, 2007, m/c - Oct 2009, DD - Feb 20, 2012

Proud mother of two breech babies:)

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