Single Parents

Last names...

So I have a question...

 I'm in the midst of a divorce with my husband. In Sept 2010, he left me at 10 weeks pregnant, with him moving 1.5 hours away. He has not been involved with the pregnancy at all. Even when we were living together he kept making excuses as to why he couldn't go to a doctor's appt, and even more so now that we are 85 miles apart. He is an alcoholic, cheater, liar, and possibly has bipolar since everytime I talk to him, I'm not sure which mood he'll be in. This makes it difficult to come up with compromises. 

Since he and I have been separated, I moved back in with my family, who have been nothing but supportive of me and the arrival of my son. My parents have been helping out a lot financially and have even been getting a nursery together for the baby. My STBXH on the other hand is busy "finding himself" which means alcohol, women, etc.

My question is, since he probably won't be there during the birth of my son, and I'm not expecting him to really follow through with any of his promises he made as a parent (he just always says he'll do something, then lies and doesn't come through), and he probably won't even visit that often since he'd rather "party" and drink and lives 85 miles away...Do I have to give my son his last name? I'm changing my last name back to my maiden name once the divorce is final.

Has anyone else had to do this?

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