3rd Trimester

Birth story- Collin arrived 2 weeks early!

Also on the February board.

Monday I went to the chiropractor and got adjusted. I've had really bad back pain the entire pregnancy so this was just routine. He used the activator on my low back cause he couldn't get it all back in place by hand. Late Monday night I started having sporadic contractions and not very intense. Went to work on Tuesday and in late afternoon was having contractions again. By the time I got off work, I felt fine again so I went ahead and ran errands and took my DD to get her hair cut.

At 3AM Wednesday morning I woke up hearing a snapping sound (like a rubberband snap) and layed there for a second trying to figure out what it was when I felt like I was about to pee my pants and I had no control over it. I jumped up, ran to the bathroom and my water broke into the toilet (mostly).  I woke up DH and we called his parents to come over and stay with DD and headed in to the hospital. By the time we waited for them and drove in it was about 4:30AM when we checked in and I was dilated to 3. We just kinda layed around to see how things were going and being monitored until about 7 then they let me get up and walk the halls. We walked for about an hour and then they checked me again- I was at 5 and got the intrathecal shot for the pain. After getting the shot, I had to stay in bed and it made me really sleepy so we slept from 9ish to 10:45 and I woke up feeling the contractions again. I was a full 10 and ready to push. We had to wait on the dr a little but finally everyone was ready. I pushed for 15 mintues and our little boy arrived!

Collin Dean weighed 7 lbs 6 oz and 19 inches long. It was an amazing experience and we are home now doing great!

Hope everyone that is still waiting for their arrivals are hanging in there!!


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