Upstate NY Babies

Crowded places with toddlers - I love this idea

I just came across this idea on a Disney vacation website and LOVE it, thought I would share.  I think it is a great idea for anyone going to crowded places with toddlers (or preschoolers) who have a tendancy to run off!  I am always so afraid to lose Tyler, if the wrong person talks to him he just shuts down and screams.

 "I am a father with two children with autism. We made temporary tattoos that said: My name is _____ and I have autism. If I am separated from my parents please call Sam at 555-555-5555 or Jane at 555-444-4444. We put these tattoos on our children's arm. They lasted about three days and any parent with young children may want to do this. We made ours using an online custom temporary tattoo website ( -- it was cheap and easy"

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