Single Parents

Last Straw

I had a public visit with STBXH today, it was to discuss letting him have DS one day a week from 7am-7pm unsupervised, at his grandmothers house.

He didn't think it was fair because 1. It was the only full free day a week he had off, and he wanted to be able to play cars with his scumbag friends. 2. He feels he has the right to come over to MY HOME to see DS any day I am free and he should not be limited in any way.

I told him take the day or get nothing because I'm being generous. He told me he would claim I kidnapped DS if I don't allow him free visitation. (Complete BS I know).

So I told him that if he wants visitation to go file for it because I'm done being nice. Any further visits will continue in public.

After that our visit continued in silence. He played with DS and I sat ignoring him. After a while he asked if we could go for a walk, I said no (because last thing I need is for him to get me alone). Then he abruptly sad he had to leave in a few minutes, and asked if we were still on for that all day visit... NO! Then he wouldn't leave until I did, and wanted to know where I parked. He just makes me feel all around uncomfortable lately.

I need to get this court stuff going while he has no money for a lawyer. :[

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