3rd Trimester

"It's going to get a lot worse!"

Is anyone else sick of hearing that sentence? I have had a somewhat difficult pregnancy. I get very severe migraines and have been in the hospital 14 times (so far) to treat them. (I end up getting so sick from dehydration because the pain makes me vomit 20+ times for every migraine I get.) I've had to rearrange my work schedule to work from home part-time to reduce stress in an attempt to reduce the frequency of these migraines. It's been a struggle to say the least. Consequently people are often asking me how I'm feeling. I used to answer that it's been difficult, but my husband and I are getting through it. The response is almost always something along the lines of "Just wait, it's going to get a lot worse once the baby is here." Or if I say that I've been pretty tired because I get up to throw up or pee 7-8 times/night I always hear "If you think you're tired now, just wait!" Ok, I fully expect that having a first baby and becoming parents will be the hardest thing we ever do, but I am sick of people belittling my difficulties now just because being a parent is also difficult. I know it is difficult and wish people would quit trying to scare me or belittle my problems now. Now when asked how I am feeling, I typically answer "fine" even though my friends and co-workers know that is not true since I am still often canceling plans or calling in sick due to being in the hospital.
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