2nd Trimester

Pregnancy Cliches Driving Me Nuts

Perhaps I'm being overly sensitive here, but I cannot stand hearing peoples pregnancy cliches, they make me squirm.  I'm 16 weeks and not really showing and have had 4 people say "your just gonna wake up one morning and not be able to see your feet".  Don't know why, but this is annoying to me.  Also, whenever anyone talks about "losing your freedom" I get annoyed.  Many of these come from people w/o kids too.  I cant stand it when MH and I take a day or weekend trip and then people say "yup, better do that now cuz once you have the baby you won't be able to do that anymore".... Um, apparently I never got the memo that having a baby means never leaving your house or taking your baby anywhere.  I'm not saying that we will be able to take trips all the time or anything, but we will certainly still be able to enjoy the world with our new bundle of joy.  What cliches annoy you?
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