Babies: 0 - 3 Months

DS won't sleep in PnP, grunts and wakes frequently

My DS will go down in his PnP just fine, but within 10 mintues he will start this routine of grunting, legs hiked up (we do swaddle him), and then go back to sleep, but he does it every 10 minutes or so. Needless to say neither of us are getting good sleep, and then he usually will start fussing after about 2 hours.  If I pull him in to bed with us at that time he will sleep SOUNDLY for another 3 hours, so I know he's not hungry. Any advice on what to do about the grunting and waking, or how to get him to sleep more soundly in the PnP?  My husband and I havent' slept at the same time for 5 weeks now!  Sleep Thanks.
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