2nd Trimester

Comments from people about starting a family..

On Saturday I went out with DH and his cousins for his cousin's 40th birthday party. We had a nice time but of course a lot of questions were asked about my pregnancy, the baby's arrival, etc..One of my husband's cousins has three girls and she commented that we should enjoy this time as we will not be alone again for a long time. I have to say I'm so tired of hearing people say this kind of thing. I know it's reality..But right now I feel like I'm too busy on the weekends cleaning, shopping for baby's room..errands..and I crap out real easily..We do go out to breakfast or lunch together..do the friends thing once a month or so..visit family when we can..But for the most part I'm not in a social mood..

Also TMI: my husband and I haven't had much sex during this pregnancy. I had m/s in the beginning..then a yeast infection..and it is not comfy for me at all in general....And I think to myself after the baby comes when will we have time? I'm so worried about it and I know a baby is a big change in our lives but I imagine it to be a good change. Why does everyone have to try to freak us out? Sorry for the rant..Is anyone else having these feelings? Oh not to mention I'm so anxious these days worrying about being a good mother, knowing what to do..I don't sit well with the "what if's" in life..:(

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