Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Would you call the pediatrician? (long)

DS has been gassy and grunty/cries due to gas since the enf of week 1. He was small at birth (5lb, 10 oz). At the end of week 1,to help with gas, the pediatrician recommended gripe water and using a pacifier since we weren't at that point. DS struggles with gas all day and all night although it is worse at night. He strains, grunts, cries, burps, farts, and has regular BMs. I EBF and burmp him after each side, and after he has finished. I had a lactation consultant who said his latch and BF looks good. I have tried gripe water, gas relief drops, cutting out dairy in my diet but nothing seems to help. Would you call the pediatrician? We have another appt next week but I don't think I can make it until then (averaging 4hrs sleep/night)! Any other ideas welcome!  
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