Indiana Babies

Bottle Woes.

How much trouble did you have getting your baby to take a bottle?  I'm wondering if we missed our window of opportunity.  Although I'm staying home for a while, it would still be nice if Eli would take a bottle every once in a while so I don't have to be attached to him 24/7.  We have Dr. Brown's bottles and 9 times out of 10 he won't eat.  I've tried to stay out of the way but it's hard when I can hear him screaming in frustration.  :-(  I tried switching the nipples to a slower flow (he was choking on Level 1), and while he doesn't seem to be choking anymore he still won't eat.

He doesn't like pacifiers either and I've tried a couple of different types. 

I'm not sure whether to try a different type of bottle...I hate to spend money on all kinds of things that he's just going to refuse anyway.

Thoughts, opinions, ideas, previous experience? 

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