Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Not really sure what I'm doing!

So at the hospital the nurses as well as all the information they gave us said to wake your newborn every 2.5 - 3 hrs to eat. My sister also did this with her child with the exception of nighttime. She woke him to eat every 3 hours or so during the day and then after 10 pm did not wake him so he would learn to sleep at night. Well this weekend inlaws came and they are " outraged and upset " that I am waking the baby during the day to eat. I am not forcing her to eat or anything. If she's not hungry I wait 30 min and try again. She is only 2 weeks old so she is still very sleepy anyways. I guess I thought this method made sense. Get full feedings during the day so that baby sleeps at night. If I didn't wake her she would sleep long stretches during the day and miss feedings and then be up all night. How would I get 8-12 feedings in a 24 hr period otherwise.

For those of you won't don't wake your babies for feedings, what is it like? I guess I just never really thought of another way to do things? What is harmful about me waking her? 

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