2nd Trimester


I've finally made it past the m/s phase of this pregnancy, but I still have trouble with my gag reflex. I know logically that keeping me teeth clean is key to a healthy pregnancy, so even though it makes me ill, I brush and use alcohol-free mouthwash 2-3 times a day. But flossing? No way! Sticking my fingers in my mouth (even freshly washed) makes me gag.

DH knows all this, and yet the other day he said "it's been a while... do you think you could... you know?" I was like "you want me to put what in my mouth? Ummm... my toothbrush is a lot smaller, and it makes me sick. What makes you think I want to put that in my mouth???".

I may have hurt his delicate feelings just a bit, but seriously? No.

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