Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Baby not latching

My son is 1 week and 2 days old.  I have been persistently trying to breast feed but he will not latch.  I tried to breast feed exclusively for the first 3 days of his life but had to start bottle feeding after our first pediatrician appointment where he lost 8% of his body weight.  I pump every 2 hours so he is getting breast milk for the most part (I have to supplement with formula some because I am not producing enough milk to feed him all day).  The lactation counselor says I am doing everything I position him, waiting for him to open wide enough and lower his tongue.  I have tried a nipple shield, which works but as soon as I remove it he refuses my breast.  I am at a lost.  Anyone have any suggestions on how to get him to latch? 
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