Babies: 0 - 3 Months

safe co-sleeping?

So apparently DD only wants to sleep in bed with me and DH!  She will scream and cry if we put her in the bassinet or pack and play or anything else.  DH and I are ok with co-sleeping, but of course I am really worried about SIDS, etc.  Does anyone safely co-sleep/bed share with their LOs?  She's only 2 weeks old...this isn't a permanent solution, but I feel like the next 4 weeks are going to be survival mode, and if we have to survive by sharing a bed with her so everyone sleeps, so be it!  

I've read that we have to remove blankets, pillows, etc...but we have a pillow top mattress and I'm not sure how that will work.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated!   

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