Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Nursing position

What hold do you use to nurse your newborn? My son is 1 week old and the LC's told me in the hospital to use the crossover hold which takes 2 hands (1 to hold his head and the other to c cup my breast) or the football hold which he doesn't seem to like much and was only shown to do it with 2 hands. I feel like nursing would be so much more bearable (especially daily or nightly marathon/cluster feeding sessions) if I had at least 1 free hand for drinking, eating, my phone, remote....anything!! Plus he tends to nurse 45 min- 1 hour at a time. :( anyone else running into this? Thoughts? 


Also, if your newborn is napping during the day do you try and wake them at 2 hours or let them go 3 before you wake them up if you have to? I wonder if I woke him at 2 hour intervals if he'd do less cluster feeding at night? Or should I just be letting him sleep and getting a nap where I can take it?!  

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