3rd Trimester

Need some feedback, please...

I *think* I know what the best answer is here, but I'd like to know what you would do if you were in my shoes.

My wonderful SIL is pregnant, too, and due about a month after me.  We are in the midst of baby shower season for the both of us...it's been fun so far!  She has been kind enough to be at both of my family showers - those took place locally.

I received an invite from her in-laws for a shower in early March - they live 2 hours away, and I will be 37 weeks along at that point.  I want so much to be there to support her, but my gut it telling me I need to stay close to home.  I know she will understand, but it pains me to have to decline....

Am I making the right choice?  What are your thoughts?  TIA!

**also posted on March 2012 board**

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