2nd Trimester

Help I'm down and I can't get up...lol

I went to my friend's bachelorette party tonight, I dressed up in a cute black dress and a pair of reasonable heels ( and for the most part they were pretty comfy).... The night went well and everything was fine until it was time to leave.. My husband came to pick me up (he's so thoughtful like that) and went to bring the car up while I paid for parking.... I dropped my ticket and stooped down (at the knees like they tell you too) to pick it up... I got all the way down and couldn't stand up, well trying to be lady like in a dress while standing from an almost squatting position isn't that easy, so I dropped down to my knees and was just kneeling on the ground in a parking garage in downtown Orlando....at this time I realized that I was down and couldn't get up.... DH was getting the car and there was nothing in reach to hold on to to gain my balance (at this point I was so exhausted it probably wouldn't have mattered what kind of shoes I was in, I wasn't getting up), I didn't know if I wanted to cry or to laugh because all I could think of was those commercials where the old lady says "help I've fallen and I can't get up".  Luckily the sight of someone on the ground attracted the attention of a female officer near by... she walked our and was like are you ok, honey?  I all I could say between laughs was "no, I'm pregnant, and suck"  so she starts laughing at me and tries to help me up.... Pride and dignity are a bit bruised, but at least my sense of humor is intact... It gave me a good laugh thinking how comical I must have seemed.
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