2nd Trimester

Smokey used baby clothes . . . .

MIL is thoughtful, but she keeps buying me clothes for the baby from Garage Sales.  I'm not against hand me downs, but I am picky and I think it's weird for someone else to give you garage sale finds and call it a "present".  Not to mention, MIL smokes and ever since they replaced the windows in their home it's much worse than it used to be.  DH can't even stand certain rooms she smokes in and he used to live with her.  So today she gave me two little outfits and some socks.  I almost puked due to the smell when I opened the bag (not exagerating - I've been very sensitive lately when changing my son's diaper, scrubbing pans w/ food on them, the trash, etc).  I think I'll be donating this stuff. 

 I'll be honest I wished she'd just save her dollars for my kids college fund.  

 Am I being out of line?  

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