3rd Trimester

Birth Plan?

I'm more of a lurker than poster, but I thought I'd share this little bit of info.

I know some people don't bother with a birth plan, while others are very motivated to write one.  For me, it came down to .. How the heck do I write one?!?  What do I say?  And because I didn't know, I procrastinated and here I was days overdue and worrying.

So, I googled "birth plan template" and found a pretty comprehensive template from the "Earth Mama Angel Baby" website. You can use it to give you ideas to write your own, or you can just check off the boxes you want, and the site will consolidate your wishes into a printable PDF file (which is what I did).  And let me just say, there are topics I didn't even know to think about!


I'm happy I have a "plan" of sorts ... even it it's SUPER late!

I hope this post will help someone out there. :)



Feb'12 March Siggy Challenge - Lucky Charm
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BFP #3 - 05.20.11, EDD - 01.31.12, Logan is here! 02.05.12
BFP #2 - 03.16.11, M/C 03.24.11
BFP #1 - 10.17.10, Blighted Ovum dx, M/C 01.09.11
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