3rd Trimester

Travelling at 36 - 37 Weeks for a Funeral

I know I've seen these posts in the past, but I really need some advice and would like to hear the experience of other ladies.

 My uncle passed away this morning.  He hadn't been doing well lately, but I don't think anyone expected it this quickly.  The funeral will be about 500 miles away, so either 1.5 hours of flying or 8 hours of driving.  I'm not sure which one to choose or even if I should go--I'm worried about the travel or the stress of everything putting me into early labor.  I'm 36w 3d now and I've had a textbook pregnancy, but I'm still really nervous. 

I had asked my OB about travelling just in case at my last appointment and she said she didn't really recommend it, but that if I really wanted to, I should bring a copy of my medical records...which I promptly forgot to request before leaving the office.

I'm really not sure about travel.  I'm waiting for DH to get home from work before I call the OB with more questions (at this point, I'm pretty upset and would probably forget).  I'd much rather fly--we drove up for Thanksgiving and I was SO uncomfortable on the long trips.  I've heard there are some risks associated with flying this late though.

All this said, I'm pretty sure my family won't expect me to go and may actually try to convince me to stay home.  I really don't think at this point anyone "expects" me to be there, but I'd really love to be there for my mom & my grandma. 

So I guess my questions are:

  • Does anyone have experience travelling so late in pregnancy?
  • Is there anything I can do to make the travel easier on me (if we drive, we'll definitely have to stop a lot, since I'll definitely have to pee a lot)?
  • Any other advice?

Thanks, everyone in advance.

imageMilford Sound in New Zealand
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