2nd Trimester

XP: anyone else have lead paint in the house?

anyone else live in an old home with lead paint? 

we are renting a house right now (been living here a year and a half now) and we just found out yesterday there is lead paint on every single window in the house, and they are all cracking/peeling terribly. this has me MORE than freaked out.

i'm making an appointment asap to get a blood test for lead done on me, and i'm HOPING it will come back low, and not at dangerous levels. i'm pretty freaked out :'( i've read so many things how this can be terrible for baby if my levels are bad, and how it can lead to learning disabilities, etc. i feel so terrible i didnt think of this earlier!!!! but earlier this week, i thought of it, ordered some lead testers online, and bam. lead windows in every single room of the house, and they're all peeling. 

we even found lead dust upstairs in the baby room :( and what's strange is that we re-painted those windows when we re-did the room! so i'm not sure how lead dust is still happening (maybe from friction or something on the windows?), but it is, and i'm so upset by this.

i really just can't wait to get a blood test done, but i'm trying to call the office today to make an appointment, and i think they are closed today :'( just upset and needed to vent. also, i wanted to bring this up in case anyone else has an older home and hasn't thought about this!  

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