2nd Trimester

Weird dreams...

I have read that many women are having sleepgasms and I am jealous! my dreams are out there, but definitely not as exciting on that end. Last night, I distinctly remember two dreams. One my mom was helping me hunt down my ex who I couldn't get in contact. Keep in mind I haven't talked to this man in years, and I am happily engaged to my fiance. But in the dream I NEEDED to talk to this guy. To the point, my mom hunted down a resume he submitted online and called the number talking about a job, just so I could hear his voice. I am definitely no where close to that pathetic in real life, but holy cow! I woke up from that going wtf... Only to cuddle next to fiance and in my next dream I as cheating on him with his brother! Not just like a one-night-stand, but full on relationship with both men. Whaaaaat?

At one point I even mentioned his brother's name in my sleep, I guess, because my fiance mentioned my whispering "Shey." O_O 

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