2nd Trimester


I am starting to get sort of nervous. While I changed my skin care routine after finding out that I was pregnant, I still kept using my same makeup. I have had pretty bad hormonal acne, and while it's improved a lot now that I'm in the 2nd trimester, I still have too much inflammation and a lot of red marks left that I won't leave the house without makeup. I have been using Laura Mercier Silk Creme foundation. I didn't really think twice about it but for some reason I had a weird dream about buying new makeup last night and when I woke up I decided to check out the ingredients of my makeup online. It seems like it has parabens in it, which is making me nervous.

 Has anyone else used this makeup during pregnancy? Or can someone at least give me some perspective? I am doing a little research into different makeup that is still good coverage but doesn't have any of the "bad stuff". Thanks in advance for any advice!! 

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