Single Parents

Laughing my you know what off...

I had plans to take DS to a library event today to meet up with STBXH for a visit.

We've been battling a cold for the past few days, I've felt sick to my stomach, and DS is coughing and snotting so bad. So I told STBXH it's not happening today via text and we can do something some other day.

STBXH: Maybe I cud just come over and help with him since ur not feeling good

ME: Maybe tomorrow we can do something out if we feel better. If not then Monday.

STBXH: Any way I could just see him, even just for a few min today. Just want to say Hi. Maybe it'll make him feel better.

ME: He has a virus, not a broken heart...


HAHA. Idiot. That was the end of that.

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