Single Parents

Baby not born and already battling custody issues with ex

So my ex "claims" he spoke with an attorney and they will seek full custody of our  child when it's born, (apparently doing it that way we will get split custody).  He is going to go after getting the baby 7 days, then me 7 days, which we will have to bounch back/forth every week and live 2 hours away, until it's ready for school then he plans to go for having the child go to school near him and ME getting weekends/holidays, etc.

Has anyone heard of this?  I mean, he is legally the father and I do want the child to grow up knowing his father.  He also said they will take both of our incomes into account and we will have to split everything (he makes more than I do by @ $25000) I will have to split daycare with him when the baby is with him, and vice versa... He's telling me daycare for a newborn is over $100 a day... That I haven't researched yet... I'm living in PA and he's in WV...  He said too that if my family watches the child (which I planned to possible do), I will still have to pay daycare when the child is with him during the week...

I'm trying not to stress over this, but I'm getting sick over it now... I didn't think it would come down to this, and even wanted us to work things out still... Our 'issue' is I do not want to move to his state, so therefore, he is going to use an attorney to make me miserable and not be able to afford the baby...  One thing for sure, I can't even afford an attorney...   Oh, and he's been seeing a doctor now because of depression over this and anger and was 'advised' best to stay away from me for a while... One of the reasons we also aren't together and I've had a change of heart when I decided I didn't think I'd want to move is he has anger issues... 

Not sure what I should do, but I don't mine weekends/holidays the child going with him, but seriously 7 days with him, then the next 7 days with me??? I don't want this child to go through that. I want it to have a more stable 'permanent' home, with seeing him when it's right.


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