
2 weeks post c/s (3rd c/s) - here's where I'm at

There's always posts about "how did you feel... when did you stop bleeding... etc" so I thought I'd write out my post c/s experience so far... maybe it will help someone? (and FWIW all of this is ok'd by my ob, she is much more laid back than other docs and I've been scolded by my friends for going on walks so that's what I'm adding this caveat Smile  )

3rd c/s was 2w1d ago.  In the hospital I:

- BF'd in the recovery room, <1 hour after birth
- was very nauseous for the first 24-36 hours and was given zofran for that
- stood up and walked about 7 hours post surgery
- removed cath about 18 hours post surgery
- walked the halls multiple times/day
- was on a clear liquids diet for 30 hours post surgery, not allowed solid foods until I passed gas....
- did not have IV taken out until I was allowed to eat just in case they needed to administer something.
- first BM was about 3 days post surgery, not painful (was taking a stool softener 2x/day)

Since arriving home I:
- continued to take motrin every 8 hours, but haven't taken any in about 2 days
- never needed to take my percocet (I don't like the way it makes me feel so I felt like I was trading that yucky feeling with a little bit of pain... not too bad)
- walked about a mile 12 days post surgery (around the neighborhood, slower pace, flat ground)
- drove myself on an errand today
- haven't had any bleeding since 1w6d pp 
- removed my steri strips myself after my 2wk check up
- can lift my boys onto the couch, etc if necessary but I don't carry them (35lbs and 50lbs) 
- have done laundry, baked a bday cake for DS1, make the bed, letting DH do the vaccuming
- still feel like a turtle on its back when laying down... very hard to get myself to sitting (no muscles, not painful).

 My first week pp seemed like a much more difficult recovery than the others, the second week pp has been much easier than the others.

Don't know if anyone finds this helpful but thought I'd put it out there. Wink 

Caleb.02.01.08 | Asher.07.06.09 | Jude.01.19.12
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