2nd Trimester

Running Mamas?

I have been running throughout this pregnancy, but did not run at all with DS so I really don't have anything to compare this to.  I felt great on my run on Wednesday morning and went for a quick run last night.  I had to cap it at 2 miles, though, because of crazy BH contractions.

My question is: Do you keep going through your BH contractions?  I had them a lot with DS and this pregnancy has been the same - even when I am just sitting around. Last night I got kinda freaked out, so I would walk when they picked up and start running again when they slowed down.  I stopped after 2 miles because it seemed like every time I picked up the pace, I'd get BH.

DH thinks it may be time to stop running, but I am not 100% sure about that yet.  My leggings are much tighter, I have been constipated (TMI, I know) and I am wondering if it is possible that these contributed to my discomfort on top of the exercise.  Thoughts? Advice?

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