2nd Trimester

Who wants to talk orgasms.......

Let's just have a little fun today! Forget about the pain, nausea, and all the other ailments we are facing and get down to business. You could say I am "hard to please" when it comes to sex. I am not the easiest code to crack that is for sure. Lately I have been having these killer dreams and I wake up in fits, thinking "holy sh*t, I hopethat wasn't out loud" I mean, some of these dreams are not even that crazy, and here I am having an all out KY commercial moment All by my lonesome! If only I was that easy to please in real life. My poor husband, he isnt getting any love at the moment and I am getting mine nearly every night. :) ohhh pregnancy sleepasms. :) anyone else? Ps. A real question. Anyone else have a hard time having an orgasm during sex, or am I just one of the "lucky ones?" 

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