2nd Trimester

Back Pain...

I have sciatica in my back... It has been at a dull roar up until this point.

In the past two days I can barely walk, sit, or move. The pain is shooting down my right leg and I am in tears. I don't know if I can take this... I took Tylenol which didn't help at all... am laying on my side to alleviate the nerve... I have taken baths... and I have a heating pad on.

 On top of that... Her is the complain list. I am sick with a cold and cough, my heart burn is unbelievable (I get it after drinking water and zantac does not help), and I got a bloody nose today while teaching to a bunch of 15 year olds. 

Yep, I am done with pregnancy. I want the baby out... And I still have over a hundred days of this ***. I know... I know... the end result is what I should focus on but I am so miserable. I want my body back.


Is there anything I can do to help with the back? I can barely walk.

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