3rd Trimester

Baby frank breach 35 weeks - planned for un-medicated labor

Before I start this post I want to mention that I do know anything can change at this point, but I am pretty disappointed when I consider having a C-Section. Has anyone dealt with this who has a midwife? I will do anything to get baby to turn (and yes I know I could get her to flip and then have her flip right before I go into labor). At this stage will my midwife refer me to an OB? I have heard that it may be policy to need to be hooked up to a monitor if they try to turn the baby externally (I have even heard about some providers preferring an epidural for relaxation before turning). I'm a little stressed not only due to my desire to have an unmedicated labor (and not really feeling comfortable taking the time off work to heal from a C-section - in addition to working in the OR at the same hospital I would have to have it), but also knowing my midwives don't have an ultrasound to just scan baby in office and they didn't catch it during external exams previously (baby has been breach for weeks- I kept feeling her head which I thought was her behind). Just venting and wondering how other natural labor mothers have dealt with this.
Mrs. B Pregnancy Ticker
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