3rd Trimester

Suddenly measuring small?

I usually post in Pgal, but I wanted to see if other 3rd tri ladies have experienced this- I had my 34 week appointment and I'm measuring 2 weeks behind. At my 32 week appointment, I was measuring right on track. He scheduled an ultrasound for Monday since the tech isn't in today. He wants to measure my fluid level and baby's growth. He didn't seem too concerned, but of course I'm freaking out. Has anyone had this happen? Was it low fluids or baby's positioning? My little guy has been active and had a normal heartbeat, so I dont know what to think. I noticed a couple days ago that my belly looked "deflated" or something. It does look different and not as big. I guess Im hoping to hear any feedback (hopefully positive!) from you ladies. I'm just concerned that this has been a sudden thing.
Missed m/c at 11.5wks, baby stopped developing at 9wks, D & C 12/10 ; BFP 6/11 EDD 3/16/11, DS born 40w1d at 6lbs 12 oz. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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