3rd Trimester

just diagnosed with Polyhydramnios at 28wks

FTM here, I thought I was getting huge! Little did I know until today that something more serious was going on than my eating too much. I went in for a normal exam, told my MD about having braxton hicks for several weeks now so she did an ultrasound. My placenta and cervical length were fine but my LO is measuring large, already 3 lbs, and I had 22cm of fluid. So, now we are waiting for GTT results, torch titer and parvovirus results and I am reading how I could have pROM or an abruption!  Craziness!  My DH is really freaking out about it. The next step is weekly BPPs to monitor fluid levels. I almost hope I have diabetes because the list of other causes is dreadful!  Trying to be positive, just a little freaked right now. 
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