2nd Trimester

Tricky situation

So... my in-laws are all apparently planning on coming (flying across the country) for the birth of our baby.  Sounds great, big celebration and all.  But not so much.  I have this horrible feeling that at least my mother-in-law and sister-in-law think that they are going to stay in our house.  Ummmmm NO.  We live in a tiny two bedroom condo with two cats and a dog.  One bedroom is ours and the other's is for the baby.  There is just enough room for us, and really no guests.  But my in-laws don't have a lot of money... so I think that they assume we will make room for them.  I would rather have my husband call them and tell them the situation and that they need to stay in a hotel if they are coming out and understand that our house may be off limits at times so we can bond with our new baby.  Or maybe they should just wait until a few weeks after the baby is born so we have time to adjust.  But this is a hard topic to bring up with my husband as well because he already feels isolated from his family beause we are so far away.  I don't want him to think that I am saying "they can't be here"; just that this is a special time for US and we need OUR space while we bond.  Any advice on how to approach this? 
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