3rd Trimester

DONE with evening primrose oil

So my MW recommended that I start taking these pills at my 35 week appt. I went to 3 different pharmacies (including the hospital pharmacy) & they didnt have them. Finally, on Wednesday at my 36 week appointment I stopped by the hospital pharmacy again & they had them in. Cost me $15 for these stupid things & they have made me so sick to my stomach!! Im supposed to be taking 1 pill 3x/day & then increase by the week- I havent been able to get more then 2 down. I eat before I take them but they give me heartburn & make me burp constantly leaving a vitamin after taste in my mouth-its so gross. They make me very nauseous too. Im kinda bummed because I spent the money for them, but Im not too worried about not taking them since my MW said there's a 50/50 chance of them working anyway. Has this happened to anyone else??
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