2nd Trimester

Day Care Questions

We are visiting a day care today.  I've done some googling and assembled these questions.  Are there any things you wished you asked or are really glad you asked that I forgot??  We already know the rates and hours and a little about the staff/training.  Thanks!


1. What is the adult-to-child ratio? 

2.  What is your policy regarding sick kids? Do you send kids home at the first hint of a sniffle, or do you wait until a child has a fever? 
3.  Do I have to pay for days when my child is absent due to sickness or vacation? 

4.  How do you discipline children when you see tantrums, pushing, fighting, and arguments?

5. What would you do if my baby cried inconsolably? How do you comfort a child?  

6.  How much do you charge if I?m late to pick up my child? 
-- What happens if I need to bring my child early or pick him up late?

7. What is a typical day like? 

8. What do you like most about caring for infants/children? What do you like least? Why did you decide to become a child-care provider? 

9. On which holidays do you close?

10. How much notice is needed if I decide to switch day cares? 

11. What is your billing policy? Do you provide receipts for income tax credits?
--What are the tuition payments? When are they due?

12. Do you ever take children on outings off-site?

13. *What role, if any, does television have at the center? 

14. References

15.  Beyond play...what kind of development opportunities (songs, stories)  Directed play?  What is the daily schedule/routine?

16.  Do they hand-feed the bottles (if baby still on bottles) - I didn't want them lying the baby in the crib to drink.

17. I'd also add to the diaper routine -- are they changed by need, or on schedule?

18. Do they accept pumped breastmilk and/or formula? How is it stored?  
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