2nd Trimester

"These pregnancy hormones are no joke"

That is what my DH confirmed last night.  After a very stressful weekend last weekend, and a continuations of things during the week (with the icing on the cake being no mini vacation for me/us before LO arrives, since DH cannot get off at all), I surely noticed my increased frustrations, but more so my inability to not cry. 

 DH told me he cant believe how much I cry now. Crying at things I would have never before.  I have even had to tell myself to "pull it together!" too many times this week.

Anyway, because I have been so stressed and no vacation on the horizon, he told me to take a Spa day and bring someone.  So I planned a day next weekend for me and my mom (a joint thank you for many things and a early bday present for her). Anyway, I have had a handful of massages and/or spa treatments in the past, but never ponied up the dough for several hours and multiple things.  I'm very excited.

 Just curious, has anyone had a prenatal massage?  I know they can vary but in perspective of being pregnant, are they just as wonderful as the regular ones when you're not? I am not sure what to really expect.

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