2nd Trimester

prepared childbirth class/ hospital rant.. long

So.. tonight was our first prepared childbirth class.  We are new to the area and have never been to the hospital where we will be delivering up until this point and let me tell you after tonight I am a bit nervous.... First of all, signing up for the class was difficult to say the least... you have to sign -up online, they responded that the class we wanted was not available and to email our second choice and they would get back in touch with us... it took over a week and as of yesterday had not received any word... I also called and no one returned my calls either.... finally got signed up and the told me the class was at 6pm and in the auditorium and that the information desk staff would give us directions when we get there.  The parking garage and signs were cryptic to say the least and the information desk was closed, so we tracked down a nurse to ask where the auditorium was, and she told us the class was moved but didn't know where to, and had to call someone to find out... No one answers the call, so she calls two more departments before getting and answer... the class had been moved to the complete opposite end of the hospital (mind you now we are 10 minutes late, and I hate to be late).  So we walk all the way across the hospital the where they said it should be and nobody is there... so I find another information desk ask them if they know where we are supposed to go and it takes another 5 minutes to explain to the elderly (and quite possibly deaf and or senile) staff what we are looking for.. the y have no idea and send us BACK to the first desk (that is closed, but it is not worth arguing with a deaf person....) so on the way back we run into the first nurse, and I am freaking out about being late and she tells me of don't worry, they told you the wrong time the class starts and 6:30... great, but we still can't find the darn class, not even hospital staff.... so she finds a Doctor and asks her and she said there is a sign by the elevator saying it is in the auditorium downstairs... So finally we find the class and the instructor can't get the computer and projector to work so she asks the husbands to figure out how to work the media stuff because the hospital IT staff won't answer the phone....the class started almost 30 minutes late and the instructor didn't know where a restroom was so us pregnant ladies had to go on yet another wild goose chase..... Now I am a little nervous to give birth in a hospital that seems so chaotic... and DH and I we really looking forward to do these classes... I nearly had a stressed out melt down .... Hoping next week is better!
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