2nd Trimester

Nausea is making my life unbearable

This is going to be a long post, sorry.
I can't express how miserable this is making me, or how desperate I am. I have constant nausea, and it's beyond unbearable. It started around 8 weeks and wasn't that terrible: it was worst in the mornings, but came in waves and could hit at any point in the day. It gradually progressed to the point I'm at now, where I stay on the couch all day because I can't do anything (I also have a very strong phobia of vomiting, which only helps make me more miserable). When I say I can't do anything, I'm not exaggerating. Cooking is out of the question now, so my husband does all of that. I can't clean; I can't do dishes; I can't do laundry; I can't go out; I can't even move.It's not even mild nausea, it's so strong and horrible.

Even the sight of certain things makes me sick. Some of it makes sense, like the cat's litterbox. But the sight of plates stacked up in the sink makes me run to the bathroom in tears, even if the plates have been rinsed off so to look at them you'd think they're clean. Thoughts can make me sick. I know this is really gross, but we had a tub of yogurt in the fridge for a month because every time I thought "I should throw that out" I couldn't, and every time I tried to tell my husband about it I couldn't even get the words out. It wound up being thrown out because one night I texted my husband, who was two feet away from me, "DO NOT read this out loud because I'll throw up, but please throw out that yogurt".

Here's what makes it even worse. Sorry to set feminism back 100 years here, but in our household my husband makes the money and I keep the home. It's actually that way because I'm not a US citizen so I can't work, because I LIKE doing all the cooking and cleaning, and frankly I think that with all my husband does for me the least I can do for him is make it so he doesn't have to lift a finger at home. Not being able to do that has me feeling completely useless. He's being wonderfully supportive and tells me not to worry about it, but I feel like I've lost my purpose. Even pre-pregnancy, because I can't earn money, I can't drive, and I don't have a child to mother, I really feel like my 'job' is maintaining the house, and I'm alright with that (I seriously want to add a disclaimer that I'm not being "I'm a woman, so I'm supposed to"; it's my situation, and not my gender, that makes me feel this way).

So we have nausea so bad that I can't get off the couch; misery caused by the nausea and constant fear of throwing up; and even more misery because I feel like I'm useless. Doesn't it sound fun?

 I've tried:
- Drinking peppermint tea
- Sucking on peppermint candies (worked at first, now it's completely ineffective)
- Eating crackerstoast/dry cereal before I get up
- Taking my time getting up
- Sucking on ice cubes
- Trying desperately to convince myself that I feel great
- Deep breathing
- Closing my eyes and counting to 10 (with and without deep breathing)
- Drinking ginger ale
- Drinking flat soda
- Drinking regular, decaffeinated soda
- Staying hydrated
- Avoiding cooking and strong smells
- Sniffing something I like, like my favourite candle
- Lying down
- Napping
- Gripping the 'pressure point' between my thumb and first finger
- Getting fresh air
- Cool washcloth on my face
- Eating frequently (small snacks)
- My prescription nausea medication, which actually makes it worse

What can I do? This is making me so unhappy, and it's been going on relentlessly for months now. I can't do it anymore.

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