Upstate NY Babies

Epic Tantrum..

A few of you ladies witnessed Eve's tantrum at Explore and More because she couldn't get a snack from the vending machine..Confused .. I will just say that that was small potatoes in comparison to today.

Today we were at the library (not the one here in town, thank goodness, because i am not sure I can go back).. and my mom met us there.. Eve was just not being a good girl. Not listening, talking/yelling really loud despite being told not to 97,000 times, running away from us and just being very disagreeable. So I don't know what it was that finally made me say "thats it" but I told her we were leaving. Which caused.. FULL BLOWN, screaming, wailing, top of her lungs, as high pitched as she could possibly get screeching IN THE LIBRARY... I tried to leave her with my mom while I took Natalie to check out our books but my mom could not control her. So finally i just left Natalie where she was in the stroller, told my mom to go with Natalie, and I picked up Eve under my arm and carried her out the door.. I ended up going out the front door and i was parked in the back so by her yelling and the way I was carrying her, anyone passing by probably thought I was kidnapping her. I have to say.. I'm actually impressed with myself for keeping my cool as well as I did.. because I really wanted to scream/cry/smack her.. but some how i remained calm. I don't know what I would have done if my mom wasn't there.. I couldn't have carried Eve AND pushed natalie's stroller.

She kept crying for about 20 minutes while we waited for my mom to come back with natalie and even awhile after we left.. Finally she started to calm down a little and said she was hungry, so I gave her a donut hole that i happened to have in the car and she quieted right down.. and honestly, she was a GREAT kid the rest of the day.. I made her call my mom and apologize to her, which she did.. We had lunch, we did crafts, we went and had a treat at the bakery, and went to Family dollar and she was actually friendly with people.. I just don't understand it.. How does my sweet child become possessed by some demon?


Melissa & Jeff 5-27-06
m/c 1/2/08 and 3/12/08
Eve Amelia- Born 2/24/09. 6lb 9.9oz
Natalie Ruth - Born 6/13/11 7lb 6.6oz
baby growth
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