3rd Trimester

37 Weeks and Polyhydramnios -XP

Forewarning - This may be long

So I went in today for my monthly growth ultrasound (last one was 5 weeks ago and everything including fluid, movement, etc was perfect) and they saw that I had way too much amniotic fluid. Over 35 and apparently its supposed to be low to mid twenties. She also isn't moving as much as they want and apparently my placenta doesn't look that great either. (I'm not sure how they can tell this on an ultrasound though?)

The Peri, who is new, was sort of abrupt with the subject stating that although there is a risk of stillbirth, placental abruption, and some issues with the cord, that he would just recommend I get NST's and BPP's three times weekly for the next two and a half weeks until I have my c sections scheduled for.

Apparently the experienced Peri saw what was going on and called the OB's office and one of the OB's there called me stating that due to my heart, the babies lack of activity and movement, high fluid levels, and risks that are already there that I need to schedule an amnio for next week (I will be 37 weeks tomorrow) and if her lungs are mature to have the c section done as the risk of complications for her and I far outweigh keeping her in longer.

So after gathering information on WebMD and through my OB and Peri I am a little nervous now. I guess it's more because in most cases of polyhydramnios it's a gradual increase in fluid levels starting at 28-30 weeks and then peaks. Apparently, in my case the fluid just starting to accumulate. So, now I am wondering if my baby will be healthy?

So, if anyone had a baby at 37 weeks were they healthy? If you were in my situation would you go in for the amnio next week and proceed with the c section if the lungs are mature to prevent complications? I definitely wasn't planning on this and I feel a little lost.
Married 05/27/07 ~ Emilee Lucille born 04/01/08 ~ Ella Marie 2/15/12 Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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