Single Parents

DH addicted to prescription pills

I am 39 weeks pregnant and really hate my situation.  My wonderful husband uses prescription medication, xanex, oxys, roxys.  We have a 2 1/2 yr old that he now ignores, he comes home from work and then goes out and comes home high.  I can't stand the sight of him, so I basically stay home with DD alone all day.  

If I go into labor I don't want him there, it is so embarising to be in front of a medical staff with a high husband.  I  am scared that I will go into labor in the middle of the night, cause I really don't want him there.  If I go into labor without him there it will be the start of a war,  but I can't take it anymore.  

Today I filed our taxes and I am keeping the refund for myself to move out.  I have no job, will have two kids and no money saved, because of his habit.  I am scared though, I don't want to move in with my dad, the whole thought of moving really sucks.  I want to go to nursing school in the fall, am I right assuming that I can get vouchers for day care if I go back to school?

I know I probably make no sense and I am all over the place but I am pissed right now and don't really speak to anyone about this.  

I just can't believe my situation, I always had my stuff together, had a good job have a degree, my daughter is well taking care of.  He just turned us into trash bags and that is not what we were.  Outside looking in we look like we have a lot nice house, nice cars, a beautiful child, but we really have nothing.  

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