Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Tricks for getting LO to take a nap?

Napping has been a point of stress for me for the past couple of weeks. DS seems to be getting harder and harder to get to take a decent nap. I have gone back to work, although I work at home, but having DS take a one or two hour nap is ideal since then I can get work done. Also, if he is taking decent naps then I can too. I have tried swaddling him, rocking and singing to him, or putting him in his swing or bouncy. Sometimes he will fall asleep in the swing, other days he wants nothing to do with it. Sometimes I will get him into a deep sleep but as soon as I try to put him down or leave the room he starts to cry. Also, he has problems with grunting and straining (I am guessing it is to either pass gas or poop) and that will sometimes wake him up. He does this at night too. The only consistent way to get him to sleep is to put him in his snowsuit in the car seat and drive around. I don't want to have to drive around every day to get him to take a nap though. Also, I have heard it isn't good to let them sleep in their carseats. Does anyone have any tricks on what works to get LOs to sleep?

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